SCHOOL GUIDE 2024-2025
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Care for young children


​​Happy healthy children

What can Youth Health Care do for you and your child?

Growing up healthy and safe comes naturally to most children.  As a parent or carer, you want the best for your child, so that he or she can grow up in a safe and stimulating environment. Primary school children develop at a rapid pace. This sometimes raises doubts, questions or concerns. This is when Youth Health Care (JGZ) can help.

Youth health care

Our school cooperates with the Youth Health Care (JGZ) team of the GGD Brabant-Zuidoost. This team consists of a youth doctor, youth nurse, assistant, behavioural scientist and a health promotion worker. Youth health care is for all children and their parents: from birth to 18 years of age.

What can the JGZ team do for you and your child?

Health survey

Is your child in group 2 or 7? Then you will receive an invitation for a health examination. During this examination, staff from the JGZ team will look at your child’s physical, psychological and social development. This could include growth, weight, lifestyle, speech and language, but also behaviour and school absenteeism. Perhaps you have questions of your own? You can ask them during the examination.

Just talking….

My daughter in grade 3 is not yet fully potty-trained.  My 9-year-old son finds it difficult to play with other children. Are my child’s tantrums normal and how can I best deal with them? A difficult eater at the table…..

For such questions, you can always contact the JGZ team. Talking to an expert often offers new insights and helps you move forward. They offer a listening ear, provide help and advice and information that helps.  If necessary, they will refer you on.

Care team

JGZ also participates in the school’s care structure; they join the school’s care meetings.

Additional information

Reliable and up-to-date information on growing up and parenting can be found on the website This information was developed by Opvoedinformatie Nederland in cooperation with scientists and experts in the field and has been tested by parents.

You will also find this information in the free Growth Guide app. With this app, you track your child’s growth and development in growth curves, receive automatic messages with info and tips, and you can create your own growth path with special moments.


All children in the Netherlands are entitled to vaccinations against 12 serious infectious diseases. This is regulated in the national National Vaccination Programme (RVP). From the age of 9, all girls and boys receive an invitation for the group vaccinations BMR/DTP (9 years), HPV (10 years) and Meningococcal ACWY (14 years). The GGD carries out these vaccinations. They do so annually in spring and autumn and at various locations in the region. Is it your child’s turn? Then you will automatically receive an invitation from RIVM. More information at  or

Always welcome

Do you have questions or want to make an appointment for a health screening or interview? You can contact the Youth Health team.

  • Check the website
  • Log in with your DigiD to the JGZ portal: Here you have 24/7 online access to data on your child up to 11 years old and can ask your questions.
  • Would you rather call? You can do so by calling 088 0031 414 on Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 5pm.

The GGD does more

  • The GGD helps schools with projects on topics such as obesity, stimulants, bullying and sexuality.
  • GGD staff provide information sessions and courses for parents, schools and children.
  • Every four years, the GGD conducts a major survey on the health of all children aged 0 to 11 and 12 to 17. The results from these surveys allow municipalities and schools, among others, to develop their policies and activities.
  • The GGD deals with the prevention, control and detection of infectious diseases.
  • Want to know more? Read all the information at