SCHOOL GUIDE 2024-2025
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Rights and responsibilities

Complaints procedure

Misunderstandings and mistakes can occur from time to time at any place of work and our school is no different. We encourage you to speak directly (and respectfully) with the person involved in case you have comments, criticism or complaints, but also when you have positive comments, ideas and suggestions. For example, if you have any complaints about a teacher, first speak to that person directly. If you feel that your complaint is ignored you can contact a member of the leadership team, this should be the Head of the appropriate department. Various types of complaints come to mind with different solutions. The best thing to do is to put these openly on the table and not allow them to fester. In case of a very serious complaint that you feel has not been addressed appropriately,  you can start an official complaint procedure of the Vereniging Bijzondere Scholen [Association of Special Schools] (VBS). The regulations governing the complaint procedure may be obtained at the school.

At the International school Eindhoven, we take great care of the privacy of our students and employees. This is laid down in the privacy statement of our foundation. These regulations have been adopted with the approval of the MR.

We call the data relating to our students personal data. The purpose of the processing is for the optimal learning and guidance of our students and for the organisation that is necessary for this. In our privacy regulations you can read exactly what the purposes and principles are for the processing of these personal data for our school. We receive most of the personal data from parents. The student data is stored in our (digital) administration system ParnasSys. This program is secure and access to that data is limited to those who need the data to contribute to the purpose of the processing. We do not store personal data longer than is necessary for the purposes for which we collect the personal data.

During the lessons we use a number of digital learning resources. This requires a limited set of personal data to, for example, identify a student when logging into these resources. We have made clear agreements with our suppliers about the data they receive from us. The supplier may only use the student data if we give permission for this, which prevents misuse of that information by the supplier.

Parents have the right to view the student data of and about their child (ren).

Parents’ Committee

We offer many opportunities for parents/guardians to help create a healthy school climate. The Parents’ Committee consists of parent/guardian representatives and forms a link between parents/guardians and the school. The Parents’ Committee is active in many school matters, such as the organisation of the annual school fairs.

Coffee mornings are organised on a regular basis. These events serve to inform you of the Parent committee’s events and are also a great opportunity for you to meet other parents. These mornings may also include lectures, workshops, presentations or the sale of school items and books, etc. of course, coffee is served.

Class Parent. Each class has a class parent. This parent serves as the link between the teacher and parents of the relevant group and assists at various events during the year at the request of the teacher.

Participation council (MR – medezeggenschapsraad)

The Participation council is a management instrument that can exercise influence on the decisions taken by the School Board. The Participation council consists of eight members, four teachers and four parents/guardians. The tasks and authority of the Participation council are incorporated into a set of regulations. The election of the members of the Participation council occurs, if needed, once every year. Members may be re-elected.

The names of the participants of the Participation council can be found in this school guide. The meetings of the Participation council are open and you can always attend these meetings as an observer.

School Board

The Foundation for Primary and Secondary Education in the South of the Netherlands (SILFO) is made up of seven schools, the Stedelijk College Eindhoven (SCE) (Henegouwenlaan and Oude Bossebaan), Stracbrecht and the International School Eindhoven (ISE), De Regenboog, Beneden Beekloop and De Ganzebloem. The Executive Board is the school’s governance body and carries ultimate responsibility for decisions related to the school. The Executive Board reports to parents about its activities during the annual Parents/Board meeting. This includes the school’s finances and important developments related to the school. Members of the Executive Board can be contacted via the school. The supervision of the Foundation is carried out by the Supervisory Board.

School insurance

The school has negotiated a WA [legal liability] insurance policy. Culpable actions on the part of supervising teachers are covered by this policy. In addition to the usual school insurance, the school has also signed a school accident insurance policy. All students and teachers registered at the school and all participating parents/guardians are insured under this policy. The insurance policy is in effect during school hours and/or school events and during direct travel between home-school-home and travel from home or school to another location and back, as identified by authorised school staff. The insurance policy provides limited coverage in case of death, permanent full or partial disability and reimbursement of medical costs.

Responsibilities of divorced parents

As a divorced parent, it is your responsibility to inform management in writing which parent has legal custody of your child(ren) and how visitations are arranged. This information is important in order to avoid misunderstandings when, for example, requesting leave of absence. The school reports will be given to, and all contacts are maintained with, the parent with legal custody. It is his/her responsibility to inform the other parent. The ISE has a protocol for parents who are divorced or who are in the process of divorcing.  This protocol describes the access arrangements for the student, who will pick up the student and who to contact in an emergency.