SCHOOL GUIDE 2024-2025
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At the ISE

Group-teacher assignments

The school uses the “leerstof-jaarklassensysteem”, an age-based study programme group system. The next page shows the sub-division for the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year. Each June/July parents receive a letter with the new formation for the following year.

International Department

1A: Ms. M Mrozowska & Ms. H Merisalo

1B: Ms. L Ribas

1C: Ms. B Chapman

2A: Ms. T Register

2B: Ms. I Vasiljeva

2C: Ms M Touw & Ms. D. Ferreira

3A: Ms. E Ayanrinde

3B: Ms. A Fernandez & Ms. P. Singh

3C: Ms. S Vervoort & Ms. C Parrot

3D:  Ms. P  Singh & Ms. L Luijten

4A: Ms. N van Oort

4B: Ms. R Rosa

4C: Ms. V Machado

4D: Ms. L. Woodgate

4E: Ms. R Hennes

5A: Ms. A Geenen

5B: Ms. C Taylor

5C: Ms. C Kemperman

5D: Ms. T Garavito Badaracco & Ms. J. van Overbeek

6A: Ms. E Jaiswal & Ms. M Lester

6B: Ms. L Menting

6C: Ms. M Andriosopoulou & Mr. A. Smith

6D: Ms. A Lubeek & Ms H Viljoen

6/7E   Ms. P Kay & Mr. A Smith

7A: Ms. S Holmes & Ms. J. Godden

7B: Mr. K Vlasblom

7C: Ms. C O’Riordan

7D: Ms. M Peters