SCHOOL GUIDE 2024-2025
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Before, after, and extracurricular care 

After School Care (Buitenschoolse Opvang – BSO)

From 2006 it has become the law that School Boards of Governors are obliged to arrange care for children both before and after school. This is known in Dutch as the BSO (buitenschoolse opvang). The School Board has chosen the ‘estate agent model’. This means that, as a parent, you are able to choose whether to use an after school care facility and also to choose which one.

The School Board has signed an agreement with one organisation that offers BSO services within the school premises. This organisation is obliged to fulfill the legal requirements. This ensures that your child will be well cared for.

For clarification, your task as a parent:

  • You need to go in person and meet with the BSO.
  • You decide in the course of your meeting with the BSO whether the care offered is suitable.
  • You sign the necessary contract.
  • You are responsible for payment.

Parents are asked to report any problems to the Management of the school.

For more information, contact:


Dr. Anton Philipsweg 13 –
5026 RK Tilburg

Postbus 769 –
5000 AT Tilburg

Telephone – 013-536 79 53
Fax – 013-535 32 11

General information:

Registration and admission day care and after school care: or call 013-583 80 40