SCHOOL GUIDE 2024-2025
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Confidential Counsellors

Pip Kay – confidante
Chantalle Taylor – vetrouwenspersoon
Barbra Bastiaanssen – student Counsellor
Joan Roach – safeguarding officer



The ISE places our students’ safety and well-being as a high priority, and we have a responsibility to ensure our students’ rights and their best interests are met. We will act whenever safeguarding issues have been identified or suspected. We also believe it is important to empower and educate our students on their rights, personal safety and steps they can take if there is a problem.

We ensure that all ISE staff are regularly informed about safeguarding matters and undergo annual child protection for international schools training. All adults who are employed, volunteers or individuals who are regularly on the school campus must go through a criminal check (VOG – verklaring omtrent het gedrag).

The ISE is a Dutch international school and therefore must adhere to legal expectations in the Netherlands. We also adhere to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) . This is a legally-binding international agreement setting out the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of every child, regardless of their race, religion or abilities.

Further details about the ISE Child Protection and Safeguarding policy can be found here and is available on the school website.

Anti-bullying policy

Every child has the right to develop and learn in a safe school environment. The school strives to ensure a safe school environment for all its students and to support this a policy is developed which focuses on prevention, identifying, immediate action and follow up in situations regarding bullying.

Any identification of bullying situations should be immediately reported to the class teacher.

The ISE has an  Anti-bullying  policy which is available on our the school website.

General Points

Anti-Bullying units are part of the  PHSE curriculum and we use a resource known as ‘Jigsaw”

The approach of the ISE in a suspected incident, involves members of staff talking to the victim, the bully and silent bystanders to discuss incidents and offer support. Parents who report bullying will be taken seriously. The school will work with the parents on how to best solve a situation of bullying. This includes providing advice and potential referrals to external specialists.

When repeated behaviours are observed involving the same student, the leadership team is informed and disciplinary measures are discussed.

Evacuation Procedure

The school has an evacuation plan and trained staff to ensure safety procedures are met. Each year the school runs staff training and evacuation drills, Students are made aware of evacuation procedures through their year tutors and through partaking in regulated evacuation drills.

Details about the ISE Evacuation plan  available on the school website.

Parents on Campus

The ISE is an open,  friendly space where all  members of our community should feel welcome. We aspire to live up to our motto of More Than a School where our community can participate fully in the life of our school.

In order to support a peaceful and safe school environment all members of the community are asked to adhere to the expectations as outlined below and the Parent Code of Conduct which can be found on the school website.

  • Show respect for the views,  opinions and cultural differences of all those within our community;
  • Respect our caring ethos, and the values of our school, by using appropriate language and displaying respectful behaviours towards all members of our school community;
  • Make an appointment in advance when there is a need to meet with members of staff;
  • Be respectful of meeting times that have been scheduled with members of staff;
  • Respect the rules of the road, including parking carefully, giving way to cyclists and avoid parking, waiting or stopping in areas which must be kept clear;
  • Refrain from bringing nuts and nut products to school;
  • Dogs (other than guide dogs) are not permitted on to the school campus;

The school may feel it is necessary to take action by contacting the appropriate authorities and/or sadly, consider banning the offending adult from entering the school premises should there be a breach of the Parent Code of Conduct.