SCHOOL GUIDE 2024-2025
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Our teachers

Method of replacement

When a teacher is sick, a substitute teacher will, in principle, be hired to replace the teacher. Our school has access to a small number of substitute teachers. Unfortunately, there are too few substitute teachers and this issue also affects our school. To prevent us from having to send children home when there is an insufficient number of teachers, we will attempt to find alternative solutions to this problem within our own school by (possibly) splitting up the group.

Full-time teachers are entitled to a number of days of paid leave per year. These days can be used for professional development, peer visits, visiting other groups etc. We aim to have the same replacement teacher for the group.

Depending on age, older teachers are entitled to make use of a statutory regulation (BAPO – Promoting the Participation of Older Workers in the Workforce) which entitles them to work a half day or full day less each week. A substitute teacher will also be assigned to the group in these instances. Our goal is to use the same substitute teacher each time here as well.

Guidance and use of PABO/ROC student teachers

Student teachers are entitled to appropriate internship placements and we are therefore interested in offering them the opportunity to develop their future profession. The coordination and guidance provided to these students is arranged by our student teacher/intern coordinator.

The teacher of the group to which the student is assigned guides the student and retains responsibility for the group. As the students advance to more senior years in the PABO (Primary School Teachers Training College) the student’s responsibilities are increased. Fourth year students (Teachers in Training) work three days per week and several consecutive weeks during some periods. During these periods they take over the group and try to work as independently as possible. The group teacher remains responsible to ensure that things run smoothly in this case as well. We will inform you when a student is asked to teach a specific group for a consecutive period of time as part of their study programme.

The ISE is working with Trion to develop a programme for student teachers. The aim will be to develop more in-school training for student teachers with a focus on the international aspect of education.

Professional Development

Professional Development includes everything that team members do to deepen and expand their knowledge, understanding, skills and professional attitude. The focus is to bring and keep the professionalism of teachers up to date. The changing student profile, teaching material that requires continuous adaptation and new insights into methodologies and pedagogy requires constant training.

Interactive Guidance via School Videos is one way of enhancing the expertise of teachers and improving the quality of education. The planning-oriented way of working can be optimised through this method. The ultimate objective is to be able to provide better education to our students. Within this context of enhancing teaching expertise, video recordings may be made during group activities. These video recordings will only be viewed and analysed within the school, with professional guidance.